What I Wore Sunday: That Time of Year

We have now reached that lovely time of the year which really, really needs a new name. Did you know that around here they lump together the seasons from Advent to Easter and call them by one name?

Flu season.

Dreadful, right?

So we really need to do our Catholic part in redeeming this time of year with a new name. ;-) I can’t really come up with anything other than the purple-sandwich (because it is basically violet, white, green, violet), and that’s no good!

Anyway, it is coat season for me.

When it came time to take a picture for What I Wore Sunday I decided to keep it real by showing you what my parish actually saw. I am wearing a purple shirt, brown dress pants, and brown dress shoes (not flats because apparently my brown flats are visiting my parents). But I never took my coat off because I was feeling a bit cold.

Which brings me to another point. I tend to feel a little rude when keeping a coat or hat on in church. I used to have a rule of taking my coat off when going up to receive communion, but I’ve apparently gotten over that.

I wonder if this is completely my own random quirk or if anyone else feels like it is slightly less than desirable to keep one’s coat on in church?

For Smirks , , ,


  1. Hmm. I guess I never thought of that… the whole coat thing. Since we have moved to SC, it’s been too warm to wear our coats. But atleast in my TLM parish back home in VA… parishioners still wore them. As for a hat, I think it depends on what kind of hat you are wearing: formal church hat vs winter beanie. LOL.

  2. I don’t have a rule like that… but then again, I grew up in FL, so this would’ve been impossible to practice- as I nearly never wore a coat. Now that I’m living somewhere chilly, I’m not so much concerned if people wear their coats- though I will say that folks here are much more casual than what I’m used to/prefer.

    I do remember wearing gloves at my First Communion and not knowing whether to keep them on when I received or not… so I left one in the pew ;-)

  3. Joy

    My mom sort-off ingrained in me the idea that the coat won’t work outside if you don’t take it off inside for a little while ~ so I probably would have taken it off by communion due to a completely different rule. :)

  4. Hmm… I think there are two basic considerations you should have when dressing for church. The first is to be modest, and the second is to meet the expectations of those around you for respectful Sunday dress. Soooo…. with the coat thing I would say copy those around you. For example, since I live in the South, I try to be very formal for church; but if I were in England, where people are informal, I wouldn’t sweat it.

  5. In HS we were never allowed to wear our coats during mass, but now I wear mine the whole time f I can’t get warm!

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